Friday, December 31, 2010

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Big Daddy and bubble wrap

Now first off, please stick with me until the end... I will probably end up throwing myself under the bus more than once but I promise I will tie it all together. Big Daddy, the movie, came to mind after this incident because of the scene where Sonny (Adam Sandler) gets hurt and the reaction of 7 year old, Julian (Dylan Sprouse). Sonny's great line was, "You think me hurting myself is funny, don't you?" Julian responds with a laughter filled, "YES!" Well, no one was hurt in this one but here is my (latest) Big Daddy moment put out there for your laughter filled, "YES!"

During our before bed story tonight Ell and I got into a conversation, I will refrain from telling you how it started (I passed gas), and this is how it went...
E: Eeeww! Mama, you are a dirty pig.
Me: Hey! It isn't nice to call people barnyard animals. Would you like it if I called you a dirty... muskrat?
E: No, what's a muskrat?
Me: A mix between a mouse and a beaver. You know what they are, right?
E: No.
Me: Or a raccoon, you know about them.
E: No.
Me: They look like a big ferret and a fox.
E: A what?
Me: Hold on.... (pulling out the computer, go to Google, search ferret, then see images) See, that is a ferret, some people have them as pets.
E: Do another one.
Me: (search raccoon) And that is a raccoon.
E: Oh, do the muskrat.
Me: (searching) See, that is a muskrat. Wait (searching mouse) you have seen these before.
E: Yes, in the closet. What about fox?
Me: Ok. (searching, S*#T!!, um...) Uh, hold on Ell. Let me fix this. (use your imagination... I searched 'fox' and not just the furry 4-legged ones came up... there were some rather scantily clad women on there and many of them! Yes, they were clothed... thankfully! Now typing 'RED fox'.) Ok, here we go!
E: Why did you change it, Mama?
Me: Er, um... There are better pictures here. No people.
E: Is fox another word for a person?
Me: Yes sweetheart, sometimes it is.

We both came out relatively unscathed but I have to say it made me think about a few thing, bear with my Jerry Springer 'Final Thoughts' here...
1- Discomfort, joy, pain, love, laughter, awkwardness, happiness, elation, and devastation all make up life, that is a fact. With out bad, how can you have good? And taken from Priscilla and the Pink Planet (a must read)... How can you see just how great pink can be if there are no other colors to compare. What is thin without fat, or big without small?
2- I definitely need to pre-screen any further Google image searches!
3- And most importantly, you can't wrap the most delicate and special things in bubble wrap. I would love to shield Ell from the world outside and all of the bad, scary things out there but I can't. But as easily as a Google image search for fox can reveal a barely covered woman (whom, may I add, was NOT sitting in a very lady-like fashion) is as easy as she can hear the scary and sometimes gruesome stories on the news, or foul and filthy language at the store. The best thing I can do is adapt, use all of these as learning and teaching tools, then move forward while taking a deep breath and saying a little prayer.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town...

On Christmas Eve Meme and Ell constructed an awesome gingerbread house!
Ell really takes her work seriously but don't worry... a decent amount of candy did not make it on the house. It happened to take a detour into her mouth and into her tummy!!
Ell and I before Christmas Eve mass.
After mass we drove around and looked at Christmas lights for a bit then we headed home to say good bye to the house Elf on the Shelf, Max Rhonacher. We'll see you again next year!
Feeding the reindeer... water and dry oatmeal.
Chocolate milk and an assortment of cookies for Santa. Next we check the Official NORAD Santa Tracker and see that the big man is already in South America, Chile to be exact... Time to let sugar plum fairies dance in her head.
Good night Ell, don't forget the rule though... When you wake up and it is dark outside you need to stay in bed. But, if when you wake up the sun is up then you can start waking everyone up!
OH MY!!!
Proof... Santa came!!
More proof that Santa came!! Holy cow! Someone must have been a good girl this year!
Christmas morning tearing into the gifts!
So, Ell woke up at 6am and the sun wasn't out yet so she went back to sleep (great listening, kiddo) until after 8am... Everyone was up and waiting for her!
Checking out her gifts.
Ell and I reading the thank you card that Santa left for her for the cookies, milk, and for being such a good listener this year!
Look, its a 'walkin' dog'!! YAY!! Oh, and her name is Pups.
Santa even brought some things for Schatzie!
Ell and her horse, Lysse.
Strawberry Shortcake and all of her berry, berry bitty pieces!
At Aunt Angela and Uncle Jay's house for Christmas dinner... It was the best lasagna EVER!! Did I mention that we had flurries on Christmas Day, I don't know if that qualifies as a White Christmas but it was still awesome!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

An Ace Up My Sleeve

This morning while we were getting ready to leave Ell ran into the bathroom to do, what I thought was to brush her teeth. Then I heard, "GRROOWLLL! GROWL!!! GGGGRROOWWLL!! GGGRRRRRRROWL!!!" and I realized she was sitting on the toilet. I grabbed the camera, switched it to video, and proceeded to sneak up on her. Once I hit the record button she changed her tune...

And I realized I hit a gold mine. I could never get her to do that again if I tried!!! Oh, and guess what... in about 10-13 years this video will resurface. Lets just call it my insurance or reassurance in keeping the boys away!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

One week till Christmas!

Cookies with Meme... YUM!!!
Ell and the tree.
Checking out one of the angels I made when I was her age.
Merry Christmas! Thank you Aunt Donna and Uncle Larry!!
The first snow and it was just days before the first day of winter! Luckily, it was enough to get out of school early! YAY!!!
Schatzie in her rainbow sweater in the snow... Don't worry, she had fun too!!
Relaxing after the snow!
And now it is time for naps!
Thumbs up for cookies!!
I was attacked o Friday night by the paints... luckily, they were washable!
I hope Ell doesn't quit her day job!
She is lucky I let her get away with these things!! :)
Pink friends party #2
I came out the other evening to find this... When I asked her shy she was wearing her helmet she replied, "in case I hit my head with my toy." Oh, silly Mommy!!!
On our way to caroling... a wonderful neighborhood tradition I did when I was her age!
Even Juliette came to sing.
Pretty Ell posing after carols on Sunday.

I am sure the boss would love this excuse...

This morning I was informed by Ell, as she is sitting on the toilet, "Mama, I am sorry but you're going to be late for work because I have to poop."

Really, what do you say to that?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas with Daddy and Grandma

Friday evening was Ell's Christmas 'show' at school. (I was told earlier in the week not to call it a program, that made Ell frustrated and nervous. I had to call it a show.) Then sang "I'm Going to be a Little Angel" and "Feliz Navidad" and they all did a fantastic job!
Ell was wonderful! This year she actually sang! That is such an improvement from years past even though she got very bashful and nervous when she looked at anyone in the family. I guess that ruins my plans for being the front row parent for the next couple of 'shows'!
Seriously though, not much is cuter than a group of 4 and 5 year olds singing Christmas songs!
Ell's pre-K class... Takara, Casey, Robert, Ellie, Jayda, Conor, Garrett, Nora, Max, Meredith, Ethan, and Noah.
Margie, Meme, Ell, and Papoo

After all of the singing was over the big man in the red suit stopped by for a visit. Bill asked Ell if she wanted to go up and tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas. She looked at Bill with all of the seriousness of a 5 year old and said, "No Daddy. I saw Santa last week and told him what I wanted then. So, he already knows, I don't need to tell him again."
Saturday, Bill, Deb, and I took Ell to see the Nutcracker at the Baltimore School for the Art. It was a fantastic performance!
Ell and I at the Nutcracker.
I made sure that Ell knew that the Claire was dreaming and that is where some of the bizarre things were coming from. Then about half way through the second half she leaned over to me and asked, "Mama, why is nobody talking?" It was interesting explaining to her, in hushed tones, that the music and dancing are doing all of the "talking" but hey, she is a sharp one and told me that she understood.
Bill, Deb, and Ellie out in front of the Baltimore School of the Arts in Mt Vernon.
Quick stop at the market for afternoon snacks... YUM!
Saturday night we headed down to Hampden for dinner at Cafe Hon and to see the 34th street lights.
Ell and Grandma at Cafe Hon.
Mommy, Ell, and Daddy.
Ellie posing with the cherry from her Shirley Temple.
MB, Ell, and Deb at dinner.
Daddy, Ell, and the sweater tree.
Deb showing off her new boots in front of our new favorite store!
34th street lights
Lights in Hampden! They were very pretty but we sure weren't counting on it raining the whole time... Oh well, we all had fun anyway!
Ell and Schatzie taking it easy on Sunday morning.
Ell and Grandma at the "E" hotel.
Ell with her Mommy and Daddy.
Sunday we went to see the trains at Kennilworth.
Then Bill and Ell went to the movies to see Megamind. Deb and I went shopping but we never managed to get past Greeting and Readings!
Presents and thank you notes on Sunday night.
Monday night Ellie, Juliet, and I went down the street and braved the cold to see Santa visit the neighborhood in the firetruck. It was really cold!
Here comes Santa Clause!!
Santa and his helper!!