Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday at the DC Roller Derby

Ell and I went with some friends to the DC Roller Derby... It was a first time adventure for all of us! Once we figured out what was going on, it was really a lot of fun to watch!
The DC Armory.
Captain America on roller skates. Ell thought this was hilarious... A superhero on roller skates, that is just crazy!
Ell enjoying the derby and treats (homemade marshmallows, yum)!
Ell and I as derby girls! Yay!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Static:1 MB:0

Here is a good Ell story: When I went to pick Ell up on Monday her teacher leaned out the door with a smirk on her face...

MB: Oh no, what did Ell do today?
R: I want to let you know that all of her stuff is just shoved in her bag.
MB: OK?! Did she have to change clothes?
R: No, when I went in after lunch before nap time she was waving your panties around over her head and showing her friends because "they wanted to see them" so I got the kids redirected and started shoving things in her bag and told her to leave it all alone.
MB: (eyes as big as saucers and laughing/crying) OH...(gasp) MY...(gasp) GAHWD...(gasp)
R: (laughing too) at least she didn't get them out any more today.

On the way home that evening Ell and I had a little chat about underwear is called underwear because you wear it under your clothes and so so one can see. Also that they are private and they aren't something we share with everyone. Ell apologized and I promised her I wasn't mad, angry, or upset... And if it wasn't so darn funny I may even be more embarrassed than I am. But seriously, I am going to start using dryer sheets again when I wash her blankets for school on Sundays... Oh static cling, you won this time!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mid March Fun

A Saturday afternoon treat after a fun time at the playground... Frozen yogurt! It hit the spot!
Saturday at the Oregon Ridge playground.
Fun with the mud buddies on a warm Friday evening.
If you ever hear the words "mud" and "soup" in the same sentence coming out of a child's mouth the outcome is NEVER neat and clean! Oh well, they all had a blast then got hosed off (and no, the water hasn't warmed up yet!) and were running around the back yard in their underwear when the pizza guy showed up.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Ell balancing at the playground:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Early March Weekend

Checking out her new wheels... they seem to be working perfect! She LOVES her new bike and it was a perfect day to go riding!
What else do you do on a sunny March day... Fly a kite!
Captain Ellie at the Science Center on Saturday.
Ellie with the penguins at the Science Center.

Grandma and Daddy visit

Deb and Bill came up to visit and to see Ellie's drama production. Most of the weekend revolved around the production but we all had fun on the down times. This is Ell and Deb at dress rehearsal on Friday.
After her wonderful production on Saturday night we all went out for snacks. While we were all reading our menus, Ell started drawing and phonetically spelling some funny phrases. By the time any of us saw her words there was no hiding our surprise! I think my jaw may have actually hit the table!
Me: Ell, whatcha writing over there?
E: (pointing to the words in the middle) Papoo stinks.
All at the table: OH!
Can't you see the stink coming from everyone's feet? Ellie stinks, cat Mommy stinks, Daddy stinks, and Papoo stinks... Duh!
You should have seen the look on the poor waiter's face when he read it over her shoulder.
Deb: She spelled stinks, STINKS!!
Waiter: Yea, that's how I spell it too!
Ice skating on Sunday.
The girls!
Silly Ellies!
A little help from our friends!
Grandma, Daddy, and one tired Ellie!
Group shot.
Look... NO HANDS!!!
Mustache fun at dinner on Sunday night.
Goofing around with the finger-staches!

Ellie, the thesbian

This winter Ell was involved in the rec center's Drama Club and she LOVED it!!! Their winter showcase was "Into the Wild" and the performance was a hit.
Monday night rehearsals... this is Ell's class. The performers ranged in ages from 3-16 and everyone did a fantastic job.
Friday night dress rehearsal... Ell (with the pink bow) is listening very intently, this is some serious stuff!
"Trashin' the Camp" from Tarzan performed by the Intro class... Ell is in the pink monkey hat, go figure!

Ell's class performing "Great to be King" from the Lion King. Ell is to the right of the lion.

Curtain call.
Back stage on performance night! Very exciting!!!
Ellie and Kelly
Me and my shining star!

February Fun!

YEA! This is awesome!
The girls after ice cream, soccer, and ice skating... I think some little girls will definitely sleep well!
BFFs... Ellie, Ellie, and Joelle.

The girls ice skating for Ellie F.'s birthday.
"Look Ma, no hands!"
Ellie, Ellie, Sammy, and Joelle at the ice rink.
Erica, Andrew, and Ell playing at the Marr's.
Playing on the PF Chang's horse before head home.
Ell and Erica on our girl's day to go see Gnomeo and Juliet. Everyone had a blast!
Painting a self portrait at Port Discovery.
More ice skating fun... this time with her very own ice skates! Ooohhh!!!!
Out for a walk on one of the warmer days in February.