Monday, November 1, 2010

End of October...

Making caramel apples with Meme.
Andrew's 5th birthday party...
And boy, it sure was messy!
Andrew being cleaned off after they attacked each other with chocolate, jell-o, and noodles.
Nothing like a hand full of liquid chocolate... Yum!
Two messy, messy girls eating the only cake you should have at a messy party... Dirt Cake!
Who is 5??
Three snug bugs in a rug!
Ell playing outside on a pretty fall afternoon.
Pumpkin carving... Ell drew the faces and I did the cutting. This is her witch.
Ell and the biggest pumpkin.
What a girly girl... she would not put her hands in the 'stringy stuff' because it is yucky-gross!
Our finished pumpkins... So spooky!!
Ellie and Schatzie... Or should I say a pink unicorn with a princess and a bumble bee princess.
Me and my girls just before the Halloween fun begins!
Ell and I

Earlier in the car, Ell and I were talking about Ghostbusters. She told me that they had the song at school so thinking that it was the same Ghostbusters song that I know...
MB: When there's something strange in your neighborhood. Who ya gonna call?
Ell: 911.
Ell: Mommy, why are you laughing?
MB: Because your answer was so much better than what I was looking for. You are awesome, dude!
Ell at the neighborhood pot luck... Behind her is a spooky graveyard.
Two princesses
Trick or treating
Ell and Meme on a cold Halloween night!
Ell and I... She got bored about 2/3s of the way through the neighborhood but she picked up the pace once we got closer to home. Some neighbors made her 'work' for the treat so she scared them... BOO! I was so proud of her, she was actually talking this year. She said "Happy Halloween" or "Trick or treat" to each house and made sure to say "thank you" to everyone. She sure raked in some loot too... I wonder how long we will have all of this candy??