Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Silly Ellie

Ellie just being... Ellie!

Here she is showing off her interpretative dance skills, enjoy!

January almost got away from me... Sorry!

Ellie the evening before dance class... We had to make sure all of the accessories fit! The first day of class was rather unsuccessful, it took me about 10-15min to get Ellie unattached from my leg and to get out of the room. For the remaining 20 min of class she sat there and watched... better luck next time.
After dance class we went and got some chicken noodle soup for lunch. I really think she would live off of this stuff if she could!
Just Ellie
Ellie being Ellie.
Story from the weekend...
(This one comes in three parts)
Friday night: We meet up with Ellie and her mom, Chris, for a girls evening. The girls are playing with their dolls and Chris and I are talking, everyone is having a really nice time. I look over to see Ellie and Ellie painting Ellie F's doll face with french fries dipped in ketchup. "What are you two doing?" Ellie L looks at me and says, "We are making her doll look like Princess P from Super Why." I put 2 and 2 together and realized why they were painting her face. It was a perfect time for a "We are all beautiful and perfect just the way we are" speech.
Saturday afternoon: Ellie and I were driving to the grocery store and without prompting I get, "Mommy, when I was a baby how did I get out of your belly?" After a pregnant (no pun intended) pause and a deep breath I responded with, "Well, girls have special parts that make them girls other than just a vagina and boobs. There are organs inside your body that are special just for babies, it is called a uterus, it is connected to your vagina. That has two holes, one for pee-pee and one that goes to your uterus. Like your lungs hold air, your heart pumps blood, and you belly holds food, your uterus is where babies grow." "When you got big enough my body said it was time for you to come out to my muscles around my tummy started squeezing and pushing you down and out of my uterus, through the baby tunnel, and out of my vagina." Deep breath. "Does that make sense? Did you understand that?" "Yes." "Do you have any other questions?" "No." "Ok."
Monday morning: While we were waiting for the car to warm up a bit Ellie asks, "Mommy, can you tell me about baby vaginas?" "Baby pajamas?" I really thought she said pajamas, remember it was Monday morning! "No, baby vaginas but you can talk about baby pajamas to, if you want." Deep breath, here we go again. "Well, baby pajamas are just like your pajamas only smaller for babies just like baby vaginas. They are just like your vagina, only smaller because they are baby sized. But remember, only girls have vaginas though." "Does that mean that baby boys have baby boy penises?" "Yes it does"
To sum it up: Thanks for the crash course in sex ed and self image Ellie, hopefully now I won't be as caught off guard. And remember, no matter what, please feel free to ask!
That night Ellie made our dinner... Pizza! It was fantastic!
Oh, and she made some 3xs chocolate cookies for dessert! Yummy!
Sunday after church we went to the mall and ran off some steam then went to Lush to use a gift certificate from Christmas on some bath bombs and bubble bars.
With some help from her Lush bubble bar, Ellie had a pink bubble bath. What fun!!
Spirit Week at School...
Monday... PJ Day!
By the way... she is holding her night gown like this to hide her panties and be decent, in case you were wondering.
More silliness in her pjs!
Tuesday... Hat Day!
Wednesday... Stripes Day!
It is hard to tell but her pink shirt has oranges stripes too!
Thursday... Inside-out Day!
She refused to participate because everyone would laugh at her.

Friday... Favorite Color Day!
She was going to dress in a rainbow because that is her favorite color but she didn't make it to school that day, the 24hr stomach bug got to her instead!
Ellie has learned to love football game. They mean that she gets to watch movies on the portable DVD player either in bed or in her tent. What a life!! Schatzie even joined her for this movie.
It is a good thing she is taking it easy... Earlier on Saturday Ellie and I were in Philly at a party celebrating Sophie's 3rd birthday. Ellie had a fantastic time climbing, sliding, and swinging all over at the gymnasium!
Papoo found this at the Fishing Show and knew Ell just HAD to have it! Now it is hanging on our bedroom door.
The cracker monster is coming!
This is the day that I learned that there were "chicken soup rules" and I also learned that I broke them.
Rule: We have to share a bowl, not have our own.
It was just a bit messy trying to share so Ellie agreed to eat out of her own bowl, just this one time!
This girl loves some chicken noodle soup!
Out for a special treat... Mmmm, ice cream!
Saturday after dance, a lot of running around, and lunch at Chick-Fil-A!
And now to run off some of that sugar!
Hanging at the Chick-Fil-A tot lot.
Playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey at Connor's 4th birthday party. E didn't will but she did have fun playing!
Watching/ helping Connor open his gifts.
Happy Birthday!
Pancaked and french fries after church!
First Dentist Visit
January 26, 2010
Brave Ellie took Baby Uncle Bob and Bah-bah onto the chair with her.
She did fabulous! She was so brave and listened to the hygienist the whole time. The only thing she wasn't crazy about at all was the fluoride but other than that she was an All Star!
Even the dentist was able to come in and take a look! Way to go Ellie!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy 2010!!

New Years Eve... After waking up to a blanket of snow Ellie and I went to visit the Marrs. For lunch all of the kids made their own pizza and it was a hit!!
See, I swear they are having fun... Promise!
Ellie is rocking out while Andrew shies away from the camera. I love the fact that he is wearing Spiderman outfit from last Halloween... It didn't look at all comfortable but hey, whatever makes you happy!!
Ell showing me her stuff!
New Years Day we saw the Marrs again and all of the Ellis clan downtown at Julie's home. It is time to walk Brownie!!
Look at those silly, silly faces!!
They are following the leader, the leader, the leader, wherever he (Brownie) may go. De dum, dee dee, dee diddly dum dee dee...
Ellie and Andrew chasing after each other at the Thames St pavilion.
Making pancakes on Saturday morning. My BS sent Ellie some fashion plate pancake molds for Christmas and so far we have been having fun with them!! Thanks MT!!
Who gets the purse pancake???
Ellie rocking out to my iPod... Once she got a hold of it she was boppin' all over the house!
Saturday evening we went bouncing with Joelle then to dinner... SUPER FUN!!!
Sunday we had a change of plans. Originally, we were going to go to Port Discovery but our plans changed when we were leaving church. Someone backed up into my car and his trailer hitch busted the radiator. :( Anyway, as I said, plans changed and Ellie and I headed home. Because TV space is at a prime cost and seniority has priority the Ravens won over cartoons. Luckily, they won and are headed to the post season! Anyway, this is what I rigged up for Ellie... TV in bed. The best part is that every day she asks if she can do it again.
Note to self: NO TVs in Ellie's room for a very long time!