Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fun in the Summertime

This past week we have been fortunate enough to have, quite possibly, the most perfect weather in August... mid-80s, sunny, and skies with bouncing puffy clouds, the kind you lay back in the grass and try to figure out the shapes. Saturday morning, Ell and I wanted to enjoy the last bits before the rains began so we took a nature walk at Loch Raven Reservoir after lunch.
Sometimes you can choose to sit inside and let the grey clouds weigh on your mood. Other times you can choose to join the falling raindrops and let them wash away your cares, fears, your inhibitions. You can join them as they drip, drop, and splash on the ground. You can listen to the Mother Nature's soothing drums, throw caution to the wind, and enjoy one of the purest joys... Dancing in the rain.
Saturday on our nature walk. We spotted many things... Deer tracks (mamma and baby), mussel shells, tiny fish, and many smiles!
MB and Ms. Beth being silly at Hunt Valley on Friday night... The girls all enjoyed music by The Bridge, dinner by The Greene Turtle, and fun by us!
Ell and Kiley on Friday night hamming it up!
Sometimes you just need to, "AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Here is Ell's Big Kid School Jam... Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Back to school shopping

We went to Target to do our Back to School shopping on Sunday morning while we were still in Virginia Beach so that both Bill and I could be with Ell while we gathered her school supplies for Kindergarten. Here Ell and Bill are assessing the notebooks. We need a 1" binder with a clear pocket.
Back to School!!
Ell and her supply list.
Picking out her folders... One yellow and one blue.
Deciding which scissors she should take to school.

Virginia Beach... Underwater fun

This was a first... Ell started swimming underwater (and LOVING it) this past weekend. Without coaxing she went under, sprouted fins and gills, and barely got out of the pool. I think I heard, "Watch this! 1-2-3"-(deep breath)-splash! More times than I can remember... It is official... Ellie is a mermaid!
Rach played along with our underwater camera fun.
And so did Uncle Bob!
We made silly faces...
and swam around!
As long as it was under water, it didn't seem to matter!
The goofier the better!!

I am so proud of my little mermaid!!

Virginia Beach Trip, August 2011

Ellie and Nana swimming on Sunday.
Rachel in the princess float.
Ellie having a whale of a good time!
Mermaid Ellie.
Surfing on Uncle Bob! Hang 10, dude!
Mermaid Ellie and I at the beach on Saturday.
Bennett and Ellie
Rachel enjoying the day.
Ellie and Nana.
Ellie and I in the ocean.
Ellie showing no fear for the water... Now that she is an underwater swimmer there is no turning back!
She is even running off the diving board!
Enjoying Rachel's musical talents.
Rachel and Ell having a jam session!
The girls in VA Beach (minus Jenna, she had to work)... Deb, Nana, Ellie, Julie, Erin, Rachel, and MB.

More of July

At the Farm Fair with the Fayas, the kids enjoy snowballs on a HOT late July day.
Watching the pig races.
Ell dressing up the doggies... At least they were good sports!
Ellie and Schatzie... my two beautiful girls.
Banging on the drums at Port Discovery.
Doodle Bug doodlin' away.
Ellie and Ellie by the turtles.
Meeting our newest cousin, Lucas, at Oregon Ridge Beach.
Just plain silliness!
Enjoying the tunes of The Bridge at Ledew Gardens on a warm Sunday Evening.
Picnic time at Ledew Gardens.
Ellie, Papoo, and Andrew enjoying lunch at Bluestone celebrating Uncle Jay's 71st birthday.

Fourth of July

These are in reverse order... Sorry! Ell chillin' out on the roof of the CRV watching the fireworks.
An annual tradition... Popsicles (or ice cream) and fireworks!
Checking out the Oriole Bird at the Towson Parade.
Ellie, Papoo, and Joelle at the parade.
Ellie and Joelle enjoying the parade.
Fourth of July Ellie.
Ready for fireworks.