Thursday, January 27, 2011


Ell had off school due to the winter weather on Wednesday and Thursday, I don't know about Friday yet, it is Thursday evening now. On Wednesday Ell came and hung out with me at work and no matter what you say, you can have fun at work!
Wednesday night the snow started again!!
Snow angels before dinner!
Snow cream with chocolate sauce for dinner... If we only had whipped cream and cherries she could have had a snow sundae.
Thursday morning... 9+ inches of heavy wet snow but I have to say, it was pretty!
Schatzie checking everything out.
Ell sledding down the... stairs?
Yay snow day!!
Ell on Greenwood Board of Education's hill... About 12 years ago Bill broke his butt (seriously, he cracked his tailbone after accidentally jumping two crafted ramps on an icy evening... Kinda like Dead Man's Curve, the Beach Boys song) on this hill and ever since it has been named... Broke Ass Hill (aka: Broke Butt Hill according to Ell). Good luck, Ell!
Yea, this is no big thing!
Check me out... I made it and I am still smiling!
Woo-hoo... She loved every minute of the downhill. Now the uphill, well, that was another story!
Told you... That isn't too happy of a face.
It wouldn't have taken her as long but she got distracted by everything on the hill... look snow, look people, look something shiny, look... She also had some trouble watching out for the people coming down the hill until she nearly got taken out then she started paying attention!
It was a great day and a day of snow filled activities will really wipe a girl out! Oh yea, Ell is pretty tired too!!

Girl's Weekend!

This weekend was supposed to be the weekend for Ell's big drama production but due to a bit of slacking on the rec council's part that was postponed until March and this weekend was all about the girls!
Sorry Donna, I had to put this up. I think it embodies the entire weekend... Silly, nutty, and fun!
Hotel hopping!
Grandma on ice skates!! Way to go Deb!!
Ell and I at the ice rink.
Grandma, Ell, and I on the ice.
Donna, Ell, and Grandma on our Saturday adventure.
Yay... Skating!!
Maddie at Robert's Chuck E Cheese 3rd birthday party.
Ell and Andrew on a roller coaster ride.
Happy birthday Robert!!!
"Yea, it's my birthday!"
Ellie, Erica, and Clifford
Up, up, up in the sky!
The weather was beautiful, 40ish and sunny in January, a perfect day to stroll around downtown Annapolis.
Ell and I by the water.
Ell on one of her favorite modes of transportation, me.
Silly girl!
Ell and Grandma coloring.
When we were eating lunch, Ell finished early and started playing quietly under the table while we continued to eat. Maybe a bit too quietly...
She has never done this before... I have to say, it is about the most adorable thing I have ever seen!!
The next weekend we went ice skating with Kiley.
Look Ma, no hands!!
Kiley getting a little help from her friend!
And when we fall down, get back up, and keep on going!
Ell and Kiley.
Helping hands!
All by herself... I am so proud!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ice, ice baby...

Today's adventure... Ice Skating for Ell's first time and my first time since middle school. Yikes!!
Just putting on our skates.
Watching the skaters and getting mentally ready.
Ok, taking a bit of a break. My feet hurt!
Skating!! Way to go Ell!!
They didn't have double blade skates but they did have these fun walker looking supports and they came in all sizes.
Look Ma, no hands!
Boom on your tush! But we did learn a great life lesson today... Sometimes you fall down and when that happens you get back up and keep on going!
Ell and I on the ice.