Sunday, September 20, 2009

A September Weekend... Mid-70's and Sunny!

Tuesday after school Ellie and I went out to Loch Raven Reservoir for a picnic... We shared soup, a sandwich, and cookies. It was fantastic. We spread out a blanket right next to the water and watched the geese paddle by while we talked about our days. We read a couple of books and also caught up on homework.
Oh yeah... Ellie enjoyed her applesauce too!
And before we left to go home we played soccer in the field between the trees!
We had to stop by work so I could finish up some things. Every time Ellie stops by the lab she goes straight for the the dog with the motion sensor in his hiney that sniffs, sniffs, and passes gas while wagging it's tail.
Oh, and she tries to put him on the water bowl (for visiting real dogs) that is shaped like a toilet. I guess everyone must learn to use the potty sometime!
Then it was off to breakfast where Ellie requested, "Toast, ham, and meat." Still, she ended up eating my soup!
Next stop... Trader Joe's for a few groceries.
Ellie's garden is still growing. Some of the zucchini has died off for the fall and the tomatoes are still going strong. I have to say thought, Ellie's pumpkin is getting more and more impressive by the day! You can see here that it has grown up and over a bush to end up where it is now!
Here is a close up of the pumpkin. You can't quite tell just how big it is so I put my (size 7) flip-flop next to it for scale.
Sill Ellie in her dress up on Saturday night!
Sunday after church Ellie and I took the Light Rail down to Mt Washington to the Wine, Arts, and Jazz Festival. Can you see the smile on her face? She loved the Light Rail! Last time she went on the train was a nightmare! She isn't scared anymore!! What a brave girl!!
She got a panda painted on her hand at the festival.
Then painted her very own picture frame.
After all of that hard work, walking, oh, did I mention the bouncing, Ellie re hydrates with a huge lemonade.
Ellie and I take a break and chill out listening to some live music... Awesome!
On out way back to the train we stopped in a consignment store and found this fantastic shoe chair... I want one too!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fall Shopping

Saturday morning was pretty dreary so we took the opportunity to hit the outlet mall and do some fall clothes shopping... The goal was to get a jacket, clothes, and at least one pair of shoes. Lucky us, we were successful!! This is Ellie modeling her new jacket in H&M.
Sunday morning our church was having their Fall Launch and of course Ellie was lured by the sound of a high powered air pump and the shiny glow of primary colored inflatable plastic.
She had her 3 slides and then it was off to the pancake store!
Sunday, Ellie put on a fashion show of some of her new clothes... Here she is sporting her sporty look from Osh Kosh.
Her sassy skirt and unicorn shirt from Osh Kosh.
And don't you just love her polka dot dress in velvet from Carter's and 'dressy' black crocs?
Nothing says fun like this brown and pink butterfly dress from Osh Kosh!
Pretty in pink from H&M.
I think Ellie has her new calling... Modeling! What do you think?
Sunday afternoon we went down to Port Discover to run off some steam and stay away from everyone during the Raven's game. (Yay, Raven's beat KC!!) Ellie loves the drum room!!
Building a house with the giant Lincoln logs.
Wiped out after a long day, er, um, I mean, weekend!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The swing set is 'girl-ified'!

Here it is... the finished product! The swing set has been power washed, mulched, and accessorized and now it is ready to go!!!
"Ellie's Club" has stars, flowers, and the words 'princess', 'giggle', and 'laugh' covering the slatted walls inside along with pink on pink tie dyed curtains. It even has a vase of (fake) flowers on the table upstairs. Downstairs there is an added bonus of a pink flamingo.
A close up of one side...
... and of the other! She loves it!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Laboring on Labor Day Weekend

Ellie just to have potatoes at the "pancake store" on Sunday morning. Nothing else, just potatoes!
After church on Sunday we went to Gavin's 4th birthday party at the inflatable gym. That was a great way to Sunday morning.
After the party it was construction time! We picked up a swing set, as an early birthday present, on Saturday morning down in Severna Park. Sunday was puzzle time...
Ellie even got a lesson on tools... This really makes me proud!
Papoo putting the legs on the fort.
All four legs are attached and now it looks like we are making progress!
Now it is really taking some form.
I am removing some old rusty screws from the base boards. Yay! I do like playing with power tools!
Me and the saw!
Ellie was VERY antsy about the progress of her swing set. About every 10-20 min she would ask if it was done yet and how much more we still had to do... Patience kiddo!
I think Schatzie thought she was the foreman.
Tightening up all of the bolts... Safety first!
The fort is done! The swings will go up tomorrow... Thank heavens for 3 day weekends!
The babies even got to take the fort out for a test spin!
The foreman approves and is letting us off for the afternoon... don't worry she will crack the whip tomorrow!
So far Ellie approves but she did say she wanted a slide. Maybe another day!
Monday, here is the finished product! Now we just want to power wash it and mulch under the fort where her picnic table is placed.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible. Ellie's excitement is such a payback for my sweat and sore muscles.
Ellie loves her new swings!!!
She even gave Bird and Bah-bah a swing.
Wiped out after all of the backyard fun! Is there really anything more perfect?