Monday, September 14, 2009

Fall Shopping

Saturday morning was pretty dreary so we took the opportunity to hit the outlet mall and do some fall clothes shopping... The goal was to get a jacket, clothes, and at least one pair of shoes. Lucky us, we were successful!! This is Ellie modeling her new jacket in H&M.
Sunday morning our church was having their Fall Launch and of course Ellie was lured by the sound of a high powered air pump and the shiny glow of primary colored inflatable plastic.
She had her 3 slides and then it was off to the pancake store!
Sunday, Ellie put on a fashion show of some of her new clothes... Here she is sporting her sporty look from Osh Kosh.
Her sassy skirt and unicorn shirt from Osh Kosh.
And don't you just love her polka dot dress in velvet from Carter's and 'dressy' black crocs?
Nothing says fun like this brown and pink butterfly dress from Osh Kosh!
Pretty in pink from H&M.
I think Ellie has her new calling... Modeling! What do you think?
Sunday afternoon we went down to Port Discover to run off some steam and stay away from everyone during the Raven's game. (Yay, Raven's beat KC!!) Ellie loves the drum room!!
Building a house with the giant Lincoln logs.
Wiped out after a long day, er, um, I mean, weekend!


  1. spread your legs honey show me your sweet little panties

    1. i wanna take her panties shopping
