Monday, September 7, 2009

Laboring on Labor Day Weekend

Ellie just to have potatoes at the "pancake store" on Sunday morning. Nothing else, just potatoes!
After church on Sunday we went to Gavin's 4th birthday party at the inflatable gym. That was a great way to Sunday morning.
After the party it was construction time! We picked up a swing set, as an early birthday present, on Saturday morning down in Severna Park. Sunday was puzzle time...
Ellie even got a lesson on tools... This really makes me proud!
Papoo putting the legs on the fort.
All four legs are attached and now it looks like we are making progress!
Now it is really taking some form.
I am removing some old rusty screws from the base boards. Yay! I do like playing with power tools!
Me and the saw!
Ellie was VERY antsy about the progress of her swing set. About every 10-20 min she would ask if it was done yet and how much more we still had to do... Patience kiddo!
I think Schatzie thought she was the foreman.
Tightening up all of the bolts... Safety first!
The fort is done! The swings will go up tomorrow... Thank heavens for 3 day weekends!
The babies even got to take the fort out for a test spin!
The foreman approves and is letting us off for the afternoon... don't worry she will crack the whip tomorrow!
So far Ellie approves but she did say she wanted a slide. Maybe another day!
Monday, here is the finished product! Now we just want to power wash it and mulch under the fort where her picnic table is placed.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible. Ellie's excitement is such a payback for my sweat and sore muscles.
Ellie loves her new swings!!!
She even gave Bird and Bah-bah a swing.
Wiped out after all of the backyard fun! Is there really anything more perfect?

1 comment:

  1. i would have her little knickers off in 2 seconds
