On our first attempt to go outside and play we both got all dressed and as I am zipping up my coat Ell starts taking off her gloves. She wants to start over. We take off her coat then put the mittens back on and followed by her coat (again). Off to play...
As we are about to step across the threshold she turns and looks at me and says, "Mommy, I have to go potty." Of course! Off to the bathroom...
I take off my coat and gloves, then Ellie's coat, gloves, hat, and scarf. Unzip her snow pants. Pull down her sweat pants then panties. Then put Ellie on the potty. Wipe. Off the potty, up with the panties...
Wait! "My panties are wet!" Of course!! Off to the bedroom. Off with the boots, snow pants, sweat pants, then panties. We put on clean (and dry) ones and we begin to redress when she looks at me and says, "I don't think I want to go outside now. We'll play later." Hmpf!
Update: When we woke up this morning it had finally stopped snowing, the reports say 18" total, and at now to start digging out of this mess!!
wih it was me takingher to go potty and take down her panties